Peak Moment

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Peak Moment
Peak moment “Each of us was born to do something unique on this planet, and to give our gifts. That all comes from heart and soul and spirit. Without those in [our] work, we cannot really feel satisfied or fulfilled or truly rewarded…” Ellen Hayakawa, author of The Inspired Organization — Spirituality and Energy at Work, delineates four pillars to help us find our unique gifts. Values are what are important to you. Your Life Purpose is with you throughout your life, regardless of how it might be expressed. Visions and Missions can change over time, and may involve working with other people on a shared mission. Her latest passion is working with children and youth who have intuitive, psychic and healing abilities beyond what our culture considers normal. Ellen says, “This hopeful exciting generation, and generations to come, are bearing very special gifts… If we adults had been as sensitive as they are, we would not be destroying our planet. We would have the empathic sensitivity for what’s going on with mother earth, with people, and with the animals on this planet.”
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